Zephyr's Island version 2 now available

Version 2 is now here.  Version 2 is the game's direction of where it will go. Most of it is under the hood changes I have made concerning the simplicity and layout of the game's code. Hopefully this change in code will make it easier for modders, I know it has been easier for me to manage it in its new form.

What the players likely would care for is some of the bugs I have found and fixed, as well as adding new content for the game. I know I'm going to do some trial and error with the game's grind, so bear with me on that.

I've included  documentation with the game as well.


Linux Version (Version 2)
Sep 25, 2022

Get Zephyr's Island


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Windows or pc?

(2 edits)

I get asked about this here and there, I focus on Linux first and foremost, followed by android.  In a few words Windows and MacOS are guilty of tech tyranny.  The world of IT and video games would be a lot better with FOSS (Free and Open-Source Software)

Why to avoid using Windows 11


This article is old but it still helps

Reasons to use Linux

edit: Since the game is free and open, you can mod the game or make your own windows build. I have my reasons to advocate for Software Freedom